GUS WDK Presentation



Genome databases typically have distinct layers

PlasmoDB, the Genome Resource for Plasmodium, the malaria parasite, is a warehouse that integrates a large number of data sources about Plasmodium. It does not do curation. The experience of PlasmoDB is that the batch data production back end and the web front end have very different middleware needs.

The PlasmoDB uses

The GUS Perl Object Layer

The GUS Perl Object Layer is an in-house developed O-R layer specific to GUS databases. It was presented at the caucus only briefly as an example backend layer.


The GUS WDK is a presentation layer toolkit (for any relational schema). It uses a M-V-C design. The focus of this caucus is O-R middleware, which corresponds to the WDK’s Model.

The intention of the WDK Model’s design is to allow non-programmers to design coarse grained objects that correspond to the entities presented to a user in a web UI, and to specify the queries that users can ask with respect to those entities.

The WDK’s Model is configured in XML. The model author specifies

Here is a sample specification of an ArrayElement entity:

<recordClass idPrefix="" name="ArrayElementRecordClass" type="Array Element">
  <attributeQueryRef ref="ArrayElementAttributes.ProviderAndOrganism">
     <columnAttribute name="provider" displayName="Provider"/>
     <columnAttribute name="genus_species" displayName="genus_species"/>
     <columnAttribute name="organism" displayName="Organism"/>
     <columnAttribute name="sequence" displayName="Sequence"/>
  <table name="GenomicLocations" displayName="Genomic Locations"
    <columnAttribute name="source_id" internal="true"/>
    <linkAttribute name="genomicSequence" displayName="Genomic Sequence"
    <columnAttribute name="min_subject_start" displayName="Start"/>
    <columnAttribute name="max_subject_end" displayName="End"/>
    <columnAttribute name="gbrowse_start" internal="true"/>
    <columnAttribute name="gbrowse_end" internal="true"/>
    <columnAttribute name="max_subject_end" displayName="End"/>
    <columnAttribute name="is_reversed" displayName="Reversed"/>
    <linkAttribute name="gbrowseLink" displayName="Genome Browser" visible="view">
  <table name="Genes" displayName="Mapped Genes" queryRef="ArrayElementTables.Genes">
     <columnAttribute name="source_id" internal="true"/>
     <linkAttribute name="gene" displayName="Gene" visible="$$source_id$$">
<querySet name="ArrayElementAttributes">
  <sqlQuery name="ProviderAndOrganism" isCacheable="false">
      <paramRef ref="params.primaryKey"/>
      <column name="provider"/>
      <column name="genus_species"/>
      <column name="sequence"/>
      <column name="organism"/>
      <syntaxhighlight lang="sql">
            SELECT ens.source_id, as provider, ens.sequence,
          as genus_species,
                   SUBSTR(, 1, 1) || '. '
                   || SUBSTR(, INSTR(, ' ', 1, 1) +1) as organism
            FROM sres.ExternalDatabase ed, sres.ExternalDatabaseRelease edr,
                 dots.ExternalNASequence ens, sres.TaxonName tn
            WHERE ens.source_id = '$$primaryKey$$'
              AND ens.external_database_release_id = edr.external_database_release_id
              AND edr.external_database_id = ed.external_database_id
              AND tn.taxon_id = ens.taxon_id
              AND tn.name_class = 'scientific name'


<querySet name=”ArrayElementTables”>

 <sqlQuery name="Genes" isCacheable="false">
   <paramRef ref="params.primaryKey"/>
   <column name="source_id" />
              SELECT t.source_id
              FROM dots.Similarity s, dots.Transcript t,
                   dots.ExternalNaSequence ens,
                   core.TableInfo ti1, core.TableInfo ti2
              WHERE ens.source_id = '$$primaryKey$$'
                AND ens.na_sequence_id = s.query_id
                AND 'ExternalNASequence' =
                AND ti1.table_id = s.query_table_id
                AND 'Transcript' =
                AND ti2.table_id = s.subject_table_id
                AND t.na_feature_id = s.subject_id

 <sqlQuery name="GenomicLocations" isCacheable="false">
   <paramRef ref="params.primaryKey"/>
   <column name="source_id" />
   <column name="min_subject_start" />
   <column name="max_subject_end" />
   <column name="gbrowse_start" />
   <column name="gbrowse_end" />
   <column name="is_reversed" />
              SELECT ens2.source_id, s.min_subject_start, s.max_subject_end,
                     s.min_subject_start - 25000 AS gbrowse_start,
                     s.min_subject_start + 25000 AS gbrowse_end
              FROM dots.Similarity s,
                   dots.ExternalNaSequence ens1,
                   core.TableInfo ti1,
                   sres.ExternalDatabase ed2,
                   sres.ExternalDatabaseRelease edr2,
                   dots.ExternalNaSequence ens2,
                   core.TableInfo ti2
              WHERE ens1.source_id = '$$primaryKey$$'
                AND ens1.na_sequence_id = s.query_id
                AND 'ExternalNASequence' =
                AND ti1.table_id = s.query_table_id
                AND IN ('Sanger P. falciparum chromosomes',
                                 'Jane Carlton P. yoelii chromosomes')
                AND ed2.external_database_id = edr2.external_database_id
                AND edr2.external_database_release_id = ens2.external_database_release_id
                AND ens2.na_sequence_id = s.subject_id
                AND 'ExternalNASequence' =
                AND ti2.table_id = s.subject_table_id

</querySet> </wdkModel>




