GSOC Project Ideas 2022

Got an idea for GSOC 2022?

Then please post it. You can either

  1. Add it here, by directly editing this page. Just copy, paste and update the template below. This requires that you have or create a login.

Projects can use a broad set of skills, technologies, and domains, such as GUIs, database integration and algorithms.

Students are also encouraged to propose their own ideas related to our projects. If you have strong computer skills and have an interest in biology or bioinformatics, you should definitely apply! Do not hesitate to propose your own project idea: some of the best applications we see are by students that go this route. As long as it is relevant to one of our projects, we will give it serious consideration. Creativity and self-motivation are great traits for open-source programmers.


Proposed project ideas for 2022

JBrowse 2 Plugins for Additional Synteny Formats

JBrowse 2 Multi-way synteny visualization

Use Galaxy to run Reactome analysis and processes on proteomics data (Reactome)

Centralized dashboard or metrics system (Reactome)

Community access portal to Reactome Archive (Reactome)

Datatypes Help in Galaxy (Galaxy)

Provide users with better quota information (Galaxy)

Creating learning paths within the Galaxy Training Network

Integrate MP-BioPath into Reactome FI-Viz Cytoscape plugin

Converting Release Jenkins Pipeline to incorporate Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) principles and AWS services where useful

s have passed.

Template: Project Idea Name (Project Name/Lab Name)


