GMOD in the Sequencing Center

GMOD in the Sequencing Center Satellite Meeting

Sequencing centers have tremendous bioinformatics needs that GMOD can help address. Attend this Satellite Meeting to find out what other sequencing centers are doing with GMOD, and how GMOD can help you help your researchers.



Discussion topics will be determined by Satellite Participants. Suggestions are listed here. If you have something you want to discuss, please add it here.

Suggested Topics


Add your name below if you are interested in attending the satellite. This satellite, like all Satellite Meetings at GMOD Americas 2011, is free and open to anyone.

Participant Email Comments
Chris Hemmerich chemmeri ‘at’ cgb dot indiana dpt edu Organizer. CGB is a sequencing center that uses and develops GMOD tools.
Dave Clements Organizer. Galaxy Project Community Liaison. Galaxy includes support for sequencing center sample tracking, and can also be a useful platform for your clients to analyze their data and preserve their workflows.
Olen Sluder olen AT acm DOT org Texas Biomedical Research Institute
Surya Saha ss2489 at cornell edu Cornell University
Zhanji Liu   Delaware State
Daniel Quest   ORNL
Gary Xie   LANL
Victor Ruotti   Wisconsin
Joe Hornton   GSK
Madhavan Ganesh   UC Berkeley
Kashi Ravenna   University of North Texas



