Chado Tutorial 2011

This Chado tutorial was presented by Scott Cain as part of the 2011 GMOD Spring Training.

Chado is the database schema of the GMOD project. This session introduces database concepts, and then provides an overview of Chado’s design and architecture, and then goes into detail about how to use a Chado database.




Database Terminology

Or, Six years of school in 15 minutes or less.

What’s a database?


SQL is a standardized query language for defining and manipulating databases. Chado uses it. SQL is supported by all major DBMSs.

FlyBase Field Mapping Tables shows some example SQL that queries the FlyBase Chado database. (Caveat: FlyBase sometimes uses Chado in ways that no other organizations do.)

Will SQL be on the test?

No, we aren’t going to teach in-depth SQL in this course but we will use it in examples and show how to write queries in Chado.

You can do basics with Chado without knowing SQL. Many common tasks already have scripts written for them. However, as you get more into using Chado, you will find that a working knowledge of SQL is necessary.

Why Chado?

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