News/JBrowse 1.3.0 released

Revision as of 14:49, 17 April 2012 by RobertBuels (Talk | contribs)

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JBrowse version 1.3.0 has arrived!

We have a long list of improvements in this release, some of which have been a long time coming. It’s full speed ahead from here: more major new features are just around the corner!

This release comes in two flavors: the “minimal” release ( - 2.0M) that includes only the software and documentation necessary to format your own data and run the browser, and the “full” release ( - 4.7M) that includes the developers’ test suite, more sample data files, and developer documentation.

One important note about browser support: as of this 1.3.0 release, JBrowse no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.

Please see the post for the full list of new features.

Robert Buels
Lead Developer
JBrowse -

Posted to the GMOD News on 2012/04/13