GBrowse Adaptors

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GBrowse has available several adaptors (yes, it is spelled that way and is not "adapters") available for several different data sources. A common question is "which adaptor should I be using?" This page is an attempt to answer that question.

Adaptor Other required software Roughly how many users Pros Cons
Bio::DB::GFF A relational database server: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or BerkeleyDB Lots! (Especially MySQL) Quite fast; large user base Doesn't always work well with some GFF3 formated data
Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store MySQL Relatively few (due to it's being relatively new) Roughly 4X faster than Bio::DB::GFF for the same data; designed to work will GFF3 Still a new tool developed for use with GFF3 so there is a much smaller user base; about 2X slower than Bio::DB::GFF to load a database
Bio::DB::Das::Chado PostgreSQL and a Chado schema Relatively few due to the specialized nature of Chado Allows 'live' viewing of the features in a Chado database Slow compared to Bio::DB::GFF
Bio::DB::Das::BioSQL MySQL and a BioSQL schema Relatively few due to the small number of BioSQL users Allows 'live' viewing of the features in a BioSQL database Slow compared to Bio::DB::GFF
Memory (ie, flat file database) None For real servers, none Easy for rapid development and testing Very slow for more than a few thousand features
Lucegene Lucene (searches indexed flat files) Relatively few