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News/JBrowse 1.9.0 released

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JBrowse 1.9.0 is out today, with some great new features, and lots of smaller improvements and bug fixes.

It can be downloaded from

Headline features for this release:

  • VCF variants support: we've added a new direct-access data backend for reading VCF files that have been compressed and indexed with bgzip and tabix, along with a new track type (HTMLVariants) optimized for viewing the sometimes-huge amounts of detail (particularly genotypes) associated with VCF variants.
  • Wiggle track types now by default choose a y-axis scale dynamically for the region being displayed (set as "autoscale": "local" in JBrowse configuration JSON).  This is a big win for usability!  Thanks to Gregor Rot and Raymond Wan for pushing for this feature!
  • If configured to do so, JBrowse can now display a dropdown dataset selector on the left side of the menu bar (similar to the one in GBrowse) that lets users switch between multiple datasets in the same JBrowse installation.
  • The default "Simple" track selector now has a search input at the top that can quickly filter the list of displayed tracks to find the text you type.
  • JBrowse now ships with a REST datastore backend that lets developers serve data to JBrowse from custom back-end systems.  See JBrowse_Configuration_Guide#JBrowse_REST_Feature_Store_API for details.

Happy browsing!

--RobertBuels (talk) 10:09, 17 April 2013 (EDT)

Posted to the GMOD News on 2013/04/16