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Chado Genetic Module

Revision as of 18:03, 14 February 2007 by Bosborne (Talk | contribs)

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Phenotypes are things like ”larval lethal”. Phenstatements are things like ”dpp[1] is recessive larval lethal”. So essentially phenstatement is a linking table expressing the relationship between genotype, environment, and phenotype.

 Table 4.39: phenstatement
Column  DatatypeDescription
phenstatement id integer
genotype idinteger
environment idinteger
phenotype id  integer
type id integer
pub id  integer


a summary of a set of phenotypic statements for any one gcontext made in any one publication

Table 4.40: phendesc

ColumnDatatype Description phendesc id integer genotype id integer environment id integer description text pub idinteger


comparison of phenotypes eg, genotype1/environment1/phenotype1 ”non-suppressible” wrt geno- type2/environment2/phenotype2

Table 4.41: phenotype comparison

ColumnDatatype Description phenotype comparison id integer genotype1 idinteger environment1 idinteger genotype2 idinteger environment2 idinteger phenotype1 id integer phenotype2 id integer type id integer pub idinteger