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Pathway Tools

Revision as of 18:59, 7 November 2007 by Pkarp (Talk | contribs)

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Pathway Tools is a bioinformatics software system for predicting the metabolic pathways of an organism from its genome, and for creating Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs). A PGDB such as EcoCyc is a bioinformatics DB that integrates genomic data with detailed functional annotations of the genome, such as descriptions of metabolic and signaling pathways. A PGDB is a type of model-organism DB.

Pathway Tools supports extensive functionality including prediction, interactive editing, querying, and visualization of metabolic pathways and related datatypes including reactions, metabolites, and enzymes. It also includes query, visualization, and editing support for genes and proteins, and for transcriptional regulatory networks.

Pathway Tools has its own genome browser, which has a microbial orientation. In addition, Pathway Tools can be coupled with other genome browsers to add support for pathways to an existing MOD.

Pathway Tools was developed by Peter D. Karp and coworkers at the Bioinformatics Research Group at SRI International.

Demo & Screenshots

See Samples


Sun workstation, Windows2000 or XP, or Linux. A Mac version is coming in early 2008.


See the Pathway Tools Information Site for links.

