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Apollo-Chado example database

Revision as of 19:43, 13 April 2007 by Scott (Talk | contribs)

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There is an example database with GFF3 source files, a log of the commands used to build the database, database dumps at a few steps of building the database, and an Apollo chado-adaptor.xml config file in the schema CVS. From the README:

The sample database that used to be in this directory has been moved to its
own cvs repository in the gmod cvs, in a repository called 'sample_dbs'.

Scott Cain

Getting the sample databases from cvs

The cvs repository that has the sample databases in it is called 'sample_dbs' and can be checked out either anonymously or as a GMOD developer following the directions on the CVS_Access page. The repository is quite large (200MB) so it will take a while to download.