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GBrowse/Uploading Wiggle Tracks

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Dense Feature and Quantitative Data

This track shows an estimate of RNA abundance (transcription) during the first 24 hours of D. melanogaster development, measured by a tiling array as described in Manak JR, et al. Nature Genet. 2006 Oct;38(10):1151-8.

Wiggle tracks

  • Dense feature data includes tiling arrays and other classes of microarray experiments, pre-computed density calculations, or any kind of data that comes in numerous small parts spaced along the full length of the chromosome.
  • This wiggle track, originally developed by Jim Kent as part of the wiggle track upload process at the UCSC Genome Browser and has recently been added to Gbrowse.
  • Detailed information on the wiggle format can be obtained at the UCSC web site

Note: For the GBrowse wiggle loader to work correctly, you must have the following modules installed:

  • Statistics::Descriptive

Format Descriptions

WIG files are plain text files. They always begin with a "track" header, which, at a minimum, looks like this:

   track type=wiggle_0 name="ArrayExpt1" description="20 degrees, 2 hr"

The "type" attribute is required, and must have a value of "wiggle_0". "name" and "description" are optional, but suggested, and indicate the name and description of the data series -- these will become the "Name" and "Note" fields of the generated GFF3 feature. Following the track line comes the data for one or more chromosomal regions. As described in the UCSC documentation, there are three ways of formatting the data: (1)"Bed Format", (2) "variableStep", and (3) "fixedStep" format. The BED format is essentially the same as GFF3 and does not give you any performance advantages over using straight GFF3. However, you are dealing with features of variable width and variable steps, BED will allow you to express this. variableStep format describes intervals of the genome that have a fixed width, but begin at arbitrary locations, while fixedStep format describes features of the genome that are evenly spaced and have a fixed width (e.g. tiling array features).

Wiggle (BED)

For BED, the format is:

 I       455     480     0
 I       495     520     59
 I       522     547     0
 I       546     571     110
 I       576     601     159
 I       691     716     189
 I       808     833     168
 I       834     859     40
 I       860     885     0
 I       910     935     0
 I       932     957     74
 I       961     986     0
 I       1036    1061    0
 I       1067    1092    0
 I       1095    1120    88
  • There are four required fields: ref_sequence,start,end and score.
  • Note that this format differs from the stand-alone BED specification: there are only four fields and the fourth field will only accept numeric data (signed integers, floats, etc)
  • Scores can be any sort of numeric data, including integers, negative numbers and floating point.
  • Note that the BED coordinates are "zero-indexed", half open, which means the start coordinate is zero-indexed and the end coordinate is 1-indexed. For display or conversion to variableStep wiggle (below), the start coordinate should in incremented up by 1.
  • For the intial upload to the website, there is more of a performance hit associated with BED formatted data. After loading, access and rendered performace is equal for all three formats.
An example of a type of data that would best be represented with BED would be a microarray with varying probe lengths at varying intervals along the chromosome coordinates.

Wiggle (variable step)

For variableStep data, the format is:

    variableStep chrom=chr19 span=150
    59304701 10.0
    59304901 12.5
    59305401 15.0
    59305601 17.5
    59305901 20.0
    59306081 17.5
    59306301 15.0
    59306691 12.5
    59307871 10.0

The data is introduced by a line beginning with the keyword "variableStep", and the arguments "chrom" and "span", which indicate the chromosome on which the features are located, and the width of each feature, in base pairs. This is followed by a series of two-element lines indicating the start position of each feature, and its quantitative value. Values can be any sort of numeric data, including integers, negative numbers and floating point.

  • Using this format instead of BED will boost performance for data upload.
An example of data that can best be represented in variable step wiggle format is an oligonucleotide microarray with fixed probe lengths, whose positions are not at fixed intervals.

Wiggle (fixed step)

For fixedStep data, the format is:

   fixedStep chrom=chr19 start=59307401 step=300 span=200

The data is introduced by a line beginning with the keyword "fixedStep", and the arguments "chrom", "span", "start" and "step". The first two arguments are the same as before, while "start" and "step" indicate the starting position of the first feature, and the spacing between each feature. This is followed by a numeric value for each step. In this case, we have described 10 features beginning at position 59307401. Each feature begins 300 bp from the next and is 200 bp wide. In practice, this means that the first 200 bp of each interval is filled with known data, while information on the last 100 bp is "missing."

  • This is the most constrained format, in terms of coordinates, but it the most efficient for initial upload and processing.
An example of a type of data that could use fixed step wiggle format is computed bins of fixed width.

Configuring Data Processing and Display

  • Some aspects of the data display can be controlled in the wiggle file

Wiggle Track Options Supported by GBrowse

Parameters for wiggle track definition lines All options are placed in a single line separated by spaces:

 track type=wiggle_0 name=track_label description=center_label \
       visibility=display_mode color=r,g,b altColor=r,g,b \
       maxHeightPixels=max:default:min viewLimits=lower:upper \
       windowingFunction=max|mean|min|median smoothingWindow=2-16

The track type with version is REQUIRED, and it currently must be wiggle_0:

 type wiggle_0

The remaining values are OPTIONAL:

Supported UCSC-style options

 visibility        full|pack            # default is full; full = xy plot, pack = density plot
 color             RRR,GGG,BBB          # default is 0,0,0 (black)
 altColor          RRR,GGG,BBB          # default is 0,0,0 (black)
 maxHeightPixels   max:default:min      # default none; Gbrowse uses default, ignores min and max
 viewLimits        lower:upper          # default is range found in data
 windowingFunction maximum|mean|minimum # default is none
 smoothingWindow   2-16                 # default is none; values are in pixels

GBrowse extended data processing options

  • Depending on the score distribution and variance, some care must be taken to avoid a loss in display resolution.
  • This applies in particular to score distributions with extreme outliers. The reason for this is that the low and high outliers are taken into account when the data are scaled for compression, so small differences (relative the the score range) between scores can become flattened.
  • To remedy loss of display resolution, two options are provided.
 transform         logsquared|logtransform      # default is none
 trim              stdev|stdev2|stdevn          # default is none

transform: Specify a transform to be performed on all numeric data within this track prior to loading into the binary wig file. This will bring the scores into a normal distribution and improve data scaling and display resolution. Currently, the following two declarations are recognized:

            transform=logsquared    y’ = log(y**2) for y != 0
                                    y’ = 0         for y == 0

            transform=logtransform  y' = log(y)    for y >= 0
                                    y' = -log(-y)  for y <  0

            transform=none          y’ = y   (no transform - the default)

trim: Specify a trimming function to be performed on the data prior to scaling. Trimming will remove outlier scores, which can have the effect of emphasizing differences between mid-range scores. Currently, the following trim functions are recognized:

            trim=stdev1           trim to plus/minus 1 standard deviation of the mean
            trim=stdev2           trim to plus/minus 2 standard deviations of the mean
            trim=stdevN           trim to plus/minus N standard deviations of the mean; N is an integer

            trim=none             no trimming (the default)

Formatting Examples

The two images below represent various diplay and loading configurations at high and low magnification for the same set of sample data (Affymetrix tiling data for fly).

Note: The example data used here have an extremely wide range in scores, resulting in a loss of contrast in the majority of the data, which is in the mid-range. Using log transformation and min and max trimming, it is possible to bring out the contrast that is otherwise lost in the middle range.

Zoomed in

  • The punctate pattern of the track with no span set is due to each array element being represented as 1bp in width


Zoomed out

  • Note that the track with no span set is almost entirely lost at this resolution



The quantitative data may have a blockish appearance at low magnification. This effect can be minimized by smoothing the data, by blending the transitions between scores within a set number of pixels. The examples below demonstrate smoothing at a resolution of 10px:

Smooth low.png

Smooth high.png

Quantitative Data Examples: C. elegans Tiling Arrays

C. elegans BED

track type=wiggle_0 name="polyA" description="mixed-stage polyA tiling array" \
visibility=pack altColor=0,0,255 windowingFunction=mean smoothingWindow=16
I	456	480	0
I	496	520	59
I	523	547	0
I	547	571	110
I	577	601	159
I	692	716	189
I	809	833	168
I	835	859	40
I	861	885	0
I	911	935	0
  • The file looks lihe this when uploaded to the modENCODE genome browser

Worm bed.png

  • Try it yourself: Follow this link to upload the above example file to the modENCODE C. elegans genome browser

C. elegans Wiggle

  • This is an example of C. elegans tiling array data in variable step wiggle format (Click here to view the file).
  • The first few lines of the example file:
# Note: comments beginning with '#' are ignored
track type=wiggle_0 name="polyA mRNA" description="mixed-stage polyA tiling array"\
color=255,255,255 altColor=0,0,0 windowingFunction=mean smoothingWindow=16
variableStep chrom=I span=25
480	0
520	59
547	0
571	110
601	159
716	189
833	168
859	40
885	0

  • This is what the track looks like after uploading to the modENCODE genome browser

Worm wiggle.png

Uploading the tracks

Uploading wiggle tracks to GBrowse is accomplished the same way as with other classes of remote data.
In the image below, there are three ways to upload your data:

  1. Upload a file from your computer via the "Browse..." and "Upload Buttons"
  2. Paste in your data via the "New..." button
  3. Put your file up on a web or ftp server and then put the URL (complete with the 'http://' or 'ftp://' protocol directive) in the entry form.


Making a Wiggle Track Permanent

The upload mechanism creates a temporary private track. If you are a GBrowse administrator and wish to create a permanent wiggle track, the process is simple.

  1. Format and save a wiggle file to disk in the manner described earlier.
  2. Run the script on this file to create the binary wig file. Use the --path option to specify the directory in which you want the binary wig file to be stored (default is the temporary directory), and the --method option to set the feature type (the default is "example"). This will create a binary .wig file in the indicated directory and send a GFF3 file to standard output. You should capture this output using the ">" redirect.
  3. Load the GFF3 file into your gbrowse database using or
  4. Configure a stanza for the data using the "wiggle_density" or "wiggle_xyplot" glyphs:
feature = example
glyph   = wiggle_density
key     = my first wiggle file

If you later need to move the wig file somewhere else, simply edit the GFF3 file to change the path specified in the wigfile attribute. One neat trick is to use a relative path for the wigfile attribute, as in:


You can then use the basedir track option to tell the glyph which directory contains the wigfile:

feature = example
glyph   = wiggle_density
basedir = /var/data/wigfiles/
key     = my first wiggle file

Specifying the Order of Glyphs within a Displayed Track

In the figure at the top of this page, there is a single GBrowse track composed of several horizontal charts, one for each time period. One way to ensure that these charts are displayed in the appropriate order is to use the "source" field in the GFF3 file, in conjunction with the sort order attribute in the stanza for the track.

For example, if the time periods are t=0, t=1, ..., t=9, and the primary source is "Quelle", then the source for the data at t=0 could be called Quelle_0, and similarly for the other time periods, and one would add the following line to the relevant stanza:

sort order = name

Illustrative Script

Assuming there is a .BED file named study_TT.BED for each time period TT, where TT is 00, 01, 02, ...., then the following script illustrates how to generate the .gff3 files for subsequent uploading:

SOURCE=Quelle  # a string representing the primary source
STUDY=study    # ${STUDY}_$t.BED
METHOD=example # the "feature"
for t in 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
do --method $METHOD --source ${SOURCE}_$t ${STUDY}_$t.BED \
    > ${STUDY}_$t.gff3

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