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  • Mature release
  • Inactive development
  • Active support

The Apollo genome editor is a Java-based application for browsing and annotating genomic sequences. There are currently two branches of Apollo, one primarily used for genome browsing and maintained at Ensembl, and the other primarily used for genome annotation and maintained at the Berkeley Bioinformatics and Open Source Projects. The latter is part of the GMOD project.

Apollo Homepage

Demo & Screenshots

See this screenshot.


JDK 1.5 or higher.


Apollo userguide
A comprehensive guide to installing and using Apollo.
Apollo Tutorial
The Apollo session from the 2009 GMOD Summer Schools.
Apollo: a sequence annotation editor
The original Apollo publication.
Apollo tutorials at the Dynamic Gene web site.
Flash based tutorials on how to use Apollo, using rice as an example. Sections of particular interest are
  • Annotation - how to use Apollo
  • Resources - how to download sample data and install Apollo on an MS Windows system.


Development / Bug Tracking

Mailing Lists

Mailing List Link Description Archive(s)
Apollo and WebApollo apollo Apollo and WebApollo mailing list Gmane (2008/04-2010/10), Nabble (2010/05+)
gmod-apollo-cmts Apollo and WebApollo code updates.


Apollo executables for several platforms (Windows, Mac Os X, Linux, Solaris and generic Unix) are available from the Apollo web site.

The Apollo source code (which you need only if you want to modify Apollo) is available from SourceForge via SVN.


Off the top of the heads of the attendees of the November 2007 GMOD Meeting. Sorted by version.

  • Triggers
    • VMWare
    • Dolan-Rice
  • Crabtree
    • Paramecium
    • INRA
    • SFSU (Smith)
  • cXML
    • FlyBase
    • BovineBase
    • VectorBase

Current Development

Apollo's functionality is being migrated to the Web as an extension to JBrowse. For further information please see the WebApollo pages.

The Apollo logo was created by Audra Radke, a participant in the Spring 2010 Logo Program, while a design student at Linn-Benton Community College.