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Proposal to convert gbrowse_details to an AJAX request handler

A temporary page to describe a low-impact change to existing code to provide a built-in ajax handler for Gbrowse


  • A balloon hover with contents generated using an AJAX call to gbrowse_details and the params callback shown below


  • A sticky balloon with contents generated from gbrowse-details (via an <iframe> element) and the default callback shown below.


Changes to gbrowse_details

  • A new CGI parameter to invoke the AJAX-handling behavior
my $rmt   = param('remote');

  • A response is triggered after the feature(s) are defined but before PrintTop is called.


if (defined $rmt) {
  print header,start_html;
  print remote_content($rmt,$features[0]);
  print end_html;
  exit 0;


  • The remote_content subroutine will get the text or coderef. It will return the text or execute the callback with user-defined arguments


# do something for popup balloons
sub remote_content {
  my $key = shift; # the key for the text or code-ref in the gbrowse config file
  my $feat = shift;
  my $contents = $CONFIG->config->code_setting('TOOLTIPS',$key) or die "$key is empty";
  my $coderef = (ref $contents||'') eq 'CODE';
  return $contents unless $coderef;
  # paranoia?
  die "Error: $key is not a CODE-REF" if ref $contents && !$coderef;
  # args are user-defined
  my %args = (feature => $feat) if $feat;
  for my $arg (param()) {
    my @vals = param($arg);
    my $val  = @vals > 1 ? \@vals : $vals[0];
    $args{$arg} = $val;
  return $contents->(\%args);


Changes To Configuration File

  • A new section [TOOLTIPS] that has all the named text sections or callbacks you need to access through gbrowse_details
    • NOTE: This section must be placed at the end of the [GENERAL] section.


  • The [ORF] configuration stanza used to generate the images above. The relevant section is highlighted

Orf stanza

Changes to Bio::Graphics::Browser

  • Minimal changes to balloons code. Width option introduced to allow custom width constraints. Setting the iframe width should hopefully make the contents stay inside the balloon boundaries.
