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* Ed
* Ed
** Thinking about approaches for undo.
** Thinking about approaches for undo.
** Committed code updates, now combined UTR/CDS comes back as single exon (rather than 2 separate features). Need to add translation start/ends now.
** Intron splits working, Exon splits will provide the user with 2 options:
**# split creating a single base gap
**# split and snap edges to closest donor/acceptor sites
* All
* All
** Planning on an annotation jamboree next September, 2011
** Planning on an annotation jamboree next September, 2011

Revision as of 21:44, 21 March 2011

  • Jay
    • Has a report on connecting Apollo to Trellis. Test will tell us where things stand.
    • To-Do more testing range queries on Chado from Trellis (their test machine is called 'dog')
    • Needs to discuss performance issues with Gregg.
    • He is going to find out whether their version of PostGres (8.1) supports materialized views. Ed says that they need to move to v9.
    • AI - Georgetown needs to set up TomCat 7
  • Gregg
    • Simplified editing
    • Keeping in the loop with Mitch on the two-level problem
    • AI - Ed to look at different approaches to implementing Authorization.
  • Ed
    • Thinking about approaches for undo.
    • Committed code updates, now combined UTR/CDS comes back as single exon (rather than 2 separate features). Need to add translation start/ends now.
    • Intron splits working, Exon splits will provide the user with 2 options:
      1. split creating a single base gap
      2. split and snap edges to closest donor/acceptor sites
  • All
    • Planning on an annotation jamboree next September, 2011