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JBrowse 1.1 Released

JBrowse version 1.1 is released! You can find the code here.

What's new:

  • Scalability: JBrowse can now handle very large data tracks, including human EST/SNP tracks, or tracks of next-gen sequence reads. Large datasets are broken into smaller chunks, so there is no loading delay for big tracks.
  • Extensibility: A Perl module ( for creating user-drawn image tracks is now available, based on the CPAN module. An example program is provided,, that uses this module to draw arcs over a sequence representing the base-pairing interactions of RNA secondary structure.
  • Bug fixes: Numerous display glitches have been fixed, including issues with wide-screen monitors and long mostly-offscreen features.

Note: The JSON format used by 1.1 is not backward compatible with previous releases. If you are upgrading from an older version of JBrowse, you will have to regenerate all the JSON files on your server.

See the release notes for full details.

Mitch Skinner

Posted to the GMOD News on 2010/09/12