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<big>Executive Summary</big>
==Executive Summary==
''The meeting participants examined two types of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools.'' The Hibernate and iBatis tools will examine any relational schema and create middleware ''de novo'' whereas Modware and Chado::AutoDBI are hand-built to match GMOD's Chado relational schema.
''The meeting participants examined two types of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools.'' The Hibernate and iBatis tools will examine any relational schema and create middleware ''de novo'' whereas Modware and Chado::AutoDBI are hand-built to match GMOD's Chado relational schema.
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''A predictable API is desirable.'' The participants' view is that an API that is easily understood and reflects current models of biological data is the most desirable API. Currently the Modware and Chado::AutoDBI packages come closest to providing this comprehensibility.
''A predictable API is desirable.'' The participants' view is that an API that is easily understood and reflects current models of biological data is the most desirable API. Currently the Modware and Chado::AutoDBI packages come closest to providing this comprehensibility.
<br clear='all'>
==Middleware for Chado databases==
==Middleware for Chado databases==

Revision as of 17:40, 6 February 2007

Executive Summary

The meeting participants examined two types of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools. The Hibernate and iBatis tools will examine any relational schema and create middleware de novo whereas Modware and Chado::AutoDBI are hand-built to match GMOD's Chado relational schema.

A predictable API is desirable. The participants' view is that an API that is easily understood and reflects current models of biological data is the most desirable API. Currently the Modware and Chado::AutoDBI packages come closest to providing this comprehensibility.


Middleware for Chado databases


On January 19 2007, representatives of the major model organism databases (MODs) and other interested parties met to discuss and compare Middleware packages used by developers working for the MODs. The workshop attendees were tasked to make specific recommendations. Such recommendations will focus the efforts of the MODs on specific packages and lead to code re-use and more feature-rich middleware.

After an introductory presentation attendees listened to a series of presentations on the different Middleware packages. Each presenter described the features of the package, both positive and negative, and showed how the package would be used to address a specific set of test problems. The attendees reassembled in a general discussion group to discuss the presentations and to develop a consensus statement. This document represents the consensus of the workshop and shows the individual presentations.


A group of some 50 GMOD developers gathered at the annual meeting to discuss middleware. This one day meeting had the following general goals:

  • To educate GMOD programmers on methods and practices for Middleware
  • To facilitate discussion on the best methods
  • To guide GMOD to a uniform Middleware layer
  • To generate this central reference document for Middleware projects, including:
    • Platform information
    • Strengths & weaknesses of different Middleware packages
    • Specific examples of how one would use a given middleware package

One of the key characteristics of the GMOD software project is the variety of approaches and components that it supports. This applies to applications, database schemas, as well as to middleware, a software layer that mediates the exchange of data between the applications and the databases. Despite this diversity certain applications and schemas have emerged as key supported components in GMOD, such as the GBrowse application and the Chado schema, to name just two. However, a consensus view has not emerged with respect to middleware, and there are certainly a number of different middleware packages that have been used in the GMOD world, coming from within this world and from the larger world of open source.

In late 2006 the GMOD developers took note of the large number of middleware packages in use and elected to embark on a short-term study to evaluate and compare these packages. The primary motivation here was to select or recommend certain packages over others specifically within the GMOD context. The assumption is that making such recommendations will serve to focus the developers' effort on a smaller number of packages. Clearly it's also assumed that such a focus will inevitably lead to greater support for and use of those recommended packages, and that all will GMOD will benefit.

Another purpose of this study is to educate GMOD programmers on best practices concerning the use and development of middleware. It's expected that common agreement on these practices will lead to the development of more effective software as well as the best use of the software in practice. Finally, this study should generate a central reference document on these different middleware packages used in GMOD. This reference will contain platform- and language-specific information as well as descriptions of the strengths and weaknesses of the packages that can be used by GMOD developers when considering middleware.

General Evaluation Criteria

The GMOD developers proposed that each presenter provide some basic information about each middleware package, both general and technical. In addition each middleware application was asked to address a set of sample problems, shown below. These example problems are thought to typify some of the common functions that the scientist may need when working with their own database. It was understood that not all software would be able to handle all aspects of the sample problems and this demonstration was not intended to be live.

Problem 1

Enter the information about the following three novel genes, including the associated mRNA structures, into your database. Print the assigned feature_id for each inserted gene.


  • The coordinates are given in exact coordinates.
  • Use the organism_id for your organism
  • Store description in the chado table featureprop
  • A sequence in fasta format (see Fake Chromosome) should be loaded as genomic sequence, either chromosome or contig -- this will be used as a srcfeature in featureloc

Gene descriptions:

symbol: xfile
synonyms: mulder, scully
description: A test gene for GMOD meeting
mRNA Feature
       start: 13691
       end: 13767
       strand: 1
       srcFeature_id: Id of genomic sample
       start: 14687
       end: 14720
       strand: 1
       srcFeature_id: Id of genomic sample

symbol: x-men
synonyms: wolverine
  mRNA Feature
       start: 12648
       end: 13136
       strand: 1
       srcFeature_id: Id of genomic sample

symbol: x-ray
synonyms: none
       start: 1703
       end: 1900
       strand: 1
       srcFeature_id: Id of genomic sample
Problem 2

Retrieve and print the following report for gene xfile (the coding sequence and exon coordinates are derived from the associated mRNA feature). The results should resemble the following:

symbol: xfile
synonyms: mulder, scully
description: A test gene for GMOD meeting
type: gene
exon1 start: 13691
exon1 end: 13767
exon2 start: 14687
exon2 end: 14720
>xfile cds 
Problem 3

Update the gene xfile: change the name symbol to x-file and retrieve the changed record. Regenerate the report from Problem 1. The results should resemble the following:

symbol: x-file
synonyms: mulder, scully
description: A test gene for GMOD meeting
type: gene
exon1 start: 13691
exon1 end: 13767
exon2 start: 14687
exon2 end: 14720
>x-file cds
Problem 4

Search for all genes with symbols starting with x-. With the results produce the following simple result list (organism will vary):

1323    x-file     Xenopus laevis
1324    x-men   Xenopus laevis
1325    x-ray     Xenopus laevis
Problem 5

Delete the gene x-ray using the geneId. Run the search and report in Problem 4 again to show the delete has taken place, with a result resembling the following:

1323    x-file     Xenopus laevis
1324    x-men   Xenopus laevis
Problem Results

All presenters paid attention to the assigned problems and all packages could perform the required operations, except for the GBrowse (DasI) Adaptor which is read-only software. Clearly one can see many differences between packages in how the the problems were solved, please see the presentations themselves for these details.

The Middleware Packages

The one day meeting heard presentations from developers using both Perl and Java middleware and a number of satisfactory solutions were described. The focus in all cases was some sort of system that connected to the Chado relational database. Although other databases are encountered in the GMOD world (e.g. BioSQL) the Chado schema is popular and serves as a good test schema for this exercise given its complexity. The primary focus in the talks was on functionality from the perspective of writing code and extending the software and less attention was given to performance. Each presenter focussed on their middleware and little side-by-side comparisons were made (for one comparison please see Comparison of XORT and Hibernate for Chado Reporting by Josh Goodman, written before this meeting).

The Chado::AutoDBI middleware package is built on Perl's Class:DBI, a module that can be considered either an ORM tool or a tool to build ORM tools. Modware is built on top of Chado::AutoDBI. Both Chado::AutoDBI and Modware are built specifically for the Chado schema and aren't general tools.

A key difference is that Modware uses Bioperl as its programmatic interface whereas the Chado::AutoDBI API resembles that of Class::DBI. Furthermore Chado::AutoDBI wraps the entire Chado schema where Modware objects only address those parts of the Chado schema that map to Bioperl objects. Neither of these packages require configuration, they are pre-configured for Chado and all one needs to do is connect to an existing schema. This schema, in theory, could be running on any popular RDBMS (Postgres, Mysql, Oracle, etc.), this flexibility is built into Class::DBI.

The Java packages, Hibernate and iBatis, are far more general than the 2 packages discussed above and one could use them with any relational schema. One distinguishing feature is the languages that these packages use: Hibernate tends to present more Java to the programmer whereas iBatis presents both Java and XML. Both allow you to address the schema with SQL should you choose to do so. Hibernate also introduces its own language, HQL, a Java-SQL hybrid. Both would need some configuration to connect to the Chado schema but this should not be considered a significant barrier. Both packages can be used with any popular RDBMS (Postgres, Mysql, Oracle, etc.).

XORT is not a typical ORM tool like these other packages but has been included here because of its utility in bulk operations. This capability is one that the ORM tools are thought not to do very well as the serial construction and destruction of objects is typically not fast, and constructing very large numbers of objects simultaneously consumes quite a bit of memory. This is not to say that one shouldn't use an ORM tool for bulk operations but that one should test the tool in question and not assume its performance is adequate to the given task. Such a test may show an entirely different approach, like that of XORT, is more appropriate.

Java Middleware

The Java packages all used Java plus XML, to some degree. In addition iBatis exposes SQL to the developer and it was argued that this could be viewed either as an advantage (allows tuning of underlying SQL) or a disadvantage. Both Hibernate and iBatis are designed to operate with any relational schema, not just Chado.


From the Hibernate Web site:

Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following object-oriented idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and collections. Hibernate allows you to express queries in its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with an object-oriented Criteria and Example API. Unlike many other persistence solutions, Hibernate does not hide the power of SQL from you and guarantees that your investment in relational technology and knowledge is as valid as always.

Hibernate is thought to work best when used in conjunction with a schema that's been designed with objects in mind, an object-oriented schema.


Hibernate is the more abstracted of the 2 Java packages, it allows you to work with the relational database with the least exposure to SQL if you choose to do this. It is probably considered the more flexible of the 2 with respect to language since one can program in Java or HBL (Hibernate Query Language), a hybrid between SQL and Java.


No pairwise comparisons between Hibernate and iBatis were made.


Hibernate is a popular and well-supported tool with extensive documentation.


From the iBatis Web site:

The Data Mapper framework (a.k.a. SQL Maps) will help to significantly reduce the amount of Java and .NET code that is normally neededto access a relational database. This framework maps classes to SQL statements using a very simple XML descriptor. Simplicity is the biggest advantage of iBATIS over other frameworks and object relational mapping tools. To use iBATIS you need only be familiar with your own application domain objects (basic JavaBeans or .NET classes), XML, and SQL. There is very little else to learn. There is no complex scheme required to join tables or execute complex queries. Using iBATIS you have the full power of real SQL at your fingertips. The iBATIS Data Mapper framework can map nearly any database to any object model and is very tolerant of legacy designs, or even bad designs. This is all achieved without special database tables, peer objects or code generation.


iBatis does not attempt to achieve abstraction in the way that other Java ORM tools do and assumes that viewing SQL is an advantage, not a disadvantage.


No pairwise comparisons made between iBatis and Hibernate.


iBatis is a popular and well-supported tool with extensive documentation.

Perl Middleware

The Perl approaches used only the Perl language (the Java packages all used Java plus XML, to some degree). The XORT application is not, strictly speaking, middleware but has proven to be very useful in bulk operations using the Chado schema and Chado XML though in principle it can be used with any relational schema.


Chado::AutoDBI objects map directly to the Chado tables so it could be said that Chado::AutoDBI is as abstract as Chado itself. Therefore one needs to become somewhat familiar with Chado itself in order to use Chado::AutoDBI.


No pairwise comparisons of performance were done using Perl middleware. All packages were deemed to give adequate performance when used to connect UIs to underlying databases. On the other hand the presenters were reluctant to recommend their packages for bulk operations.


Chado::AutoDBI requires no configuration, it is designed to interact with the Chado schema out-of-the-box. If the schema changes then the underlying Class::DBI should be able to adjust to the change.


Modware has higher level of abstraction than that provided by Chado::AutoDBI. The critical point is that it uses the Bioperl objects as accessors, this could either be highly suitable or not at all appropriate for a given environment.


No pairwise comparisons of performance were done using Perl middleware. All packages were deemed to give adequate performance when used to connect UIs to underlying databases.


Modware requires no configuration, it is designed to interact with the Chado schema out-of-the-box. If the schema changes then the underlying Chado::AutoDBI should be able to adjust to the change.


Bioperl-style documentation at, written for POD for all methods.

GBrowse (DasI)

This package needs no configuration, it is pre-configured for Chado.


The DasI interface is well-documented, about a dozen methods and three classes, all documented.

Getting More Information

The issues around using and developing middleware are of general interest in GMOD. If you have questions about middleware we suggest that you contact the GMOD Development list rather than contacting individual developers. You can sign up for the list here:

Object-Relational Mapping Principles

Presentation by Sohel Merchant

Sohel Merchant, Bioinformatics Software Engineer at dictyBase, Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago. This Wiki section is an edited version of Sohel's presentation.

  • The Problem
  • Solutions
  • ORM
  • Perl – Class::DBI
  • Summary
The Problem
  • Developers need to perform Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete (aka CRUD) operations on data inside an application.
  • The real world objects represented using a programming language needs to be stored in databases
  • Using relational databases to store object-oriented data leads to a semantic gap
  • RDBMS have fixed types, but OO can have more complicated user defined types.
  • Data Access Object (DAO)
  • Developer writes a class which contains one attribute for each field in the table
  • Methods for CRUD typically contains JDBC/DBI code with the necessary SQL statements.
  • Object Relational Mapping (ORM), WikiPedia:
    • “ORM is a programming technique that links databases to object-oriented language concepts, creating (in effect) a virtual object database.“
  • Developer needs to configure the ORM
  • Less amount of manual coding
  • CRUD methods are automatically generated by the ORM layer

ORM solutions

  • Perl
    • Class::DBI
  • Java
    • EJB
    • Hibernate
    • JDO
    • iBatis
Perl - Class::DBI
  • Provides a simple interfaces for wrapping Perl classes around a database tables
  • Tables are mapped directly to objects
  • The table column name are mapped to the get/set methods
  • Can be used with transactions

Defining a class in Class::DBI to represent a table:


Corresponding code:

<perl> package Chado::Cvterm; use base 'Chado::DBI'; Chado::Cvterm->set_up_table('Cvterm'); </perl>

Class::DBI - CRUD


    1. Create

$term_dbobj = Chado::Cvterm->create({

                              name      => ”DUMMY TERM”,
                              cv_id     => 1,
                              dbxref_id => 125
    1. Retrieve

$term_dbobj = Chado::Cvterm->retrieve(2);

    1. Update

$term_dbobj->name( $term->name() ); $term_dbobj->definition( $term->definition );

    1. Delete

$term_dbobj->delete(); </perl>

Java - Hibernate
  • Hibernate maps Java Objects directly to database tables
  • Scalable
  • Works well for controlled Data model
Java - iBatis
  • iBATIS maps Java Objects to the results of SQL Queries
  • XML definitions for queries
  • Queries and managing Maps
  • Transactions
  • Good fit for existing database schema
  • ORM provides painless roundtrip of data between the application and database.
  • Reduces the amount of SQL code and allows a programmatic style interface to the RDBMS
  • Choice of ORM solution depends on the type of project
  • Flybase examined iBatis and Hibernate, both use XML configuration files
    • Hibernate is better if you're building schema from scratch
    • Both auto-configure given a schema.
    • Both have strengths and weaknesses.
  • Is Hibernate better when you're in the process of designing a schema?
    • Hibernate can assist you in making a Hibernate-compatible schema.



Technical Overview

  • Database connectivity:
  • Transaction support:
  • Code generation:

Special topics

Comparing Hibernate & XORT

Flybase tried Hibernate, but just creating simple print() statements in the course of doing bulk operations they encountered performance issues. Therer are many caching parameters available in Hibernate but the problem is that Chado is recursive or cyclical. XORT does some simple, and automatic, caching. With XORT you can handle recursive or cyclical operations more easily. In common operations such as merging genes Chado users will encounter this issue routinely.

Also see Comparison of XORT and Hibernate for Chado Reporting.


  • Database schemas need to follow certain rules
    • All must have internal int primary key
    • All must have unique key(s)
  • It may take a long path to retrieve certain type of data
    • Example: gene->allele->genotype->phenotype via feature_relationship
  • Structure not stored in memory, you flush out data as it goes

Presentation by Pinglei Zhou and Josh Goodman

XORT Presentation



  • Source:
  • Language: Perl
  • Authors: Allen Day, Scott Cain, Brian O'Connor, & others
  • Users:
  • Support:
  • Third party code: Based on Class::DBI by Michael Schwern & Tony Bowden

Technical Overview

  • Database connectivity:
  • Transaction support:
  • Code generation:

Special topics

  • Demonstrations of what your software does well


  • Performance
    • Can one read thousands of objects into memory? You could do this but it's not suited to bulk operations
  • Joins & complex queries


  1. Add the add_constructor for looking for name lengths

__PACKAGE__ ->add_constructor(long_names => qq{ length(name) > 15 });

  1. Custom SQL

__PACKAGE__->set_sql(xfiles => qq{

      WHERE NAME = 'xfiles' });


Presentation by Brian O'Connor

AutoDBI Presentation



  • Source:
  • Language: Perl
  • Authors: Sohel Merchant, Eric Just
  • Contact: e-just [at]
  • Users: DictyBase
  • Support:
  • Third party code: GMOD, BioPerl

Technical Overview

  • Database connectivity: Uses the Chado::AutoDBI connection from GMOD. No connection configuration necessary since Modware is built on top of GMOD and the coonnection is configured on GMOD install.
  • Transaction support: Transactions are fully supported. The database handle is available as a singleton through Modware::DBH. To rollback at any time, simply insert new Modware::DBH->rollback() into script.
  • Code generation: No automatic code generation.

Special topics


  • Does not cover all of Chado
  • Not enough users to get quality feedback yet
  • Performance (?)
  • Language dependent

Presentation by Eric Just

Modware Presentation

GBrowse (DasI) Adaptor


Technical Overview

  • Database connectivity: Connects via Perl's DBI
  • Transaction support: N/A (read only adapter)
  • Code generation: N/A

Special topics

  • Demonstrations of what your software does well


  • Read-only
  • Not generic middleware but if you use Chado and GBrowse may be useful
  • Incomplete implementation of Bio::DasI; just enough to make GBrowse work
  • Also, despite the name, has never been tested with a Das server.

Presentation by Scott Cain

GBrowse (DasI) Adaptor Presentation

iBatis and Abator


Technical Overview

  • Database connectivity:
  • Transaction support:
  • Code generation:

Special topics

  • Demonstrations of what your software does well


  • Does not hide SQL
  • Does not create a whole object model of the database in memory
  • Not as widely used as Hibernate
  • No Perl version

Presentation by Jeff Bowes

iBatis Presentation



  • Source:
  • Language: Java
  • Authors: JBoss group
  • Users: VectorBase
  • Support: JBoss group
  • Third party code:

Technical Overview

  • Database connectivity:
  • Transaction support:
  • Code generation:


  • Issue around Completeness
  • Exception Handling
  • Performance Tuning

Presentation by Robert Bruggner

Hibernate Presentation

PSU Chado Interface


  • Source:
  • Language: Java
  • Authors: Chinmay Patel, Adrian Tivey, Tim Carver
  • Users:
  • Support:
  • Third party code:

Technical Overview

  • Database connectivity:
  • Transaction support:
  • Code generation:


  • Hibernate Save: no equivalent to a find or save method.
  • Not great for bulk data retrieval.
  • Hibernate works best when applied to databases designed with objects in mind (Object Oriented Databases).

Presentation by Chinmay Patel

PSU Presentation

Wiki Authors

  • Jeff Bowes, XenBase
  • Robert Bruggner, VectorBase
  • Scott Cain, GMOD
  • Josh Goodman, FlyBase
  • Eric Just, DictyBase
  • Sohel Merchant, DictyBase
  • Brian O'Connor, UCLA
  • Brian Osborne, GMOD
  • Chinmay Patel, GeneDB
  • Pinglei Zhou, FlyBase
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