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===Using JavaScript/JEXL to code changes===
===Using JavaScript/JEXL to code changes===
This is a slightly more advanced topic. In addition to changing track settings by changing the names of colors, we can also change aspects of the
This is a slightly more advanced topic. In addition to changing track settings by changing the names of colors, we can also change aspects of the how the track looks and behaves by adding snippets of JavaScript or a JavaScript-related language called JEXL referred to as callbacks. We'll look at two examples here to give a flavor of the sorts of things you can do.
====Changing the color of a glyph according to strand====
   parseInt(get(feature, 'strand'))>0?'blue':'red'
Since we were looking at glyph color in the previous section, we'll stay there and make the glyphs color change according to the strand that the gene is on.  First note that on the right hand side of most of the fields in the track settings dialog is a circle in the purple box. When you mouse over that circle, the mouse hover text says "Convert to callback."  First check that circle for the "color1" field. When you do that, you may notice that the gene glyphs in the track turned black--that's because JBrowse expects there to be a snippet of code there, and there isn't, so you get the "I don't know what to do" color, which is black.
Next we'll add the code here to the color1 field:
   get(feature, 'strand')>0?'blue':'red'
What it is doing is quite simple: it says get the feature's strand and if it's positive, make the feature blue, otherwise make it red.  Once again, you should see an immediate change in the way the track looks:
[[red_blue_peach_genes.png|700px|Gene glyphs colored red or blue depending on strand]]
====Changing the hover text====
Another example that is pretty easy is modifying the text that appears in the mouse over hover. The default in JBrowse is generally the name of the feature, and it is already a callback (i.e., we don't need to check the circle to make it one).  That callback looks like this:
Now we want to look for something useful to add. Frequently in GFF files, there is extra information in the ninth column that users might want to see. The the peach and grape GFF files, there wasn't much extra information, but we'll make do. The peach gene annotations have an attribute called "longest." For a given gene, the transcript that is the longest has this attribute set to 1, the rest are zero.  What we will do is add "longest transcript" to the mouse over when that's true (and of course, when there is only one transcript for a gene, what will happen to the mouse over?).  To do this, we can modify the original callback to look like this:
  get(feature,'name')+(get(feature,'longest')>0?' longest transcript':'')
This is very similar to the strand callback: it's saying get the feature name and concatenate it (with the "+" operator) with different text depending on the result of the question of whether the "longest" value is greater than zero.

Revision as of 04:09, 7 January 2022

This is a nearly complete draft of the PAG 2022 tutorial that will be given over Zoom on Sunday afternoon Pacific time.


JBrowse 2 is both a desktop and server application. In this tutorial, we will focus on the desktop application to make our lives easier, but the server application is pretty easy to set up and has simple prerequisites (but reminder: you don't need this for this tutorial):

  • a web server like Apache or Nginx
  • NodeJS version 10 or better

That's really it for the server. Other things the would likely help include GenomeTools for sorting GFF, SamTools for working with BAM and CRAM files, and tabix for indexing various file formats.

But, again, none of those things are needed today!

Download and install

While we've installed JBrowse 2 on the conference computers (or we would have if we were there in person), if you'd like to follow along on your own computer, you can go to and get the download for your platform and install it. It shouldn't take very long.

JBrowse Introduction

How and why JBrowse 2 is different from most other web-based genome browsers, including JBrowse and GBrowse.

Replace with current presentation!

Setting up JBrowse

JBrowse app icon

Loading sequence

After installing JBrowse 2, open it using your operating systems preferred method, and you'll be greeted with a splash screen that has on part of it this dialog to open a new sequence:

Launch new session dialog

JBrowse supports a variety of forms of sequence data including "vanilla" FASTA, but for this example, we are going to use gzipped and faidx (FASTA indexed) files. To load those up, we'll use the grape FASTA file and it's indexes (ie, 'fai' and 'gzi' files):

In the Open Sequence dialog, give the assembly a name (something creative, like "grape") and select BgzipFastaAdapter from the "type" menu, and then copy and paste the above URLs into the appropriate textfields under the "type" menu.

Open a new sequence dialog

If we were creating a "normal" genome browser, we'd be done with adding sequence, but since we'd like to compare, we will also add the bgzipped and indexed FASTA file for peach. When we clicked on the "open sequence" button before, we were presented with a menu asking us what type of view we'd like, but first we have to add a second genome. What we need is in the Tools menu. Select "Open assembly manager," where you'll get a dialog that was very similar to what we used for grape. This time, we'll load the peach genome, so do the same things as before, and use these URLs:

Opening assembly manager to add a second sequence

After adding the peach genome, we'll get a dialog that shows us that we have both genomes:

Assembly manager with both assemblies

Creating a comparative view

Now we'd like to create a comparison view. JBrowse 2 supports a few comparative views, but we'll start with a whole genome dotplot. For showing areas of synteny, we have a PAF file that looks like this:

 Pp01	47851208	1388059	1391133	+	chr8	22385789	1539799	1542834	703	3099	21	tp:A:P	cm:i:73	s1:i:686	s2:i:439	dv:f:0.1377	rl:i:921840
 Pp01	47851208	19134590	19135964	-	chr15	20304914	6572992	6574378	659	1387	1	tp:A:P	cm:i:85	s1:i:657	s2:i:638	dv:f:0.0768	rl:i:921840
 Pp01	47851208	19134614	19135805	+	chr17	17126926	16801080	16802270	638	1192	0	tp:A:S	cm:i:79	s1:i:638	dv:f:0.0727	rl:i:921840
 Pp01	47851208	43719774	43728648	-	chr18	29360087	6242566	6251482	642	8964	54	tp:A:P	cm:i:55	s1:i:620	s2:i:40	dv:f:0.2275	rl:i:921840
 Pp01	47851208	40987755	40994103	+	chr18	29360087	2664522	2670983	639	6461	51	tp:A:P	cm:i:64	s1:i:620	s2:i:77	dv:f:0.1931	rl:i:921840
 Pp01	47851208	19134590	19135968	-	chr5	25021643	19591018	19592393	572	1379	0	tp:A:S	cm:i:69	s1:i:572	dv:f:0.0910	rl:i:921840

PAF is a fairly simple file format relating two areas in genome coordinates. Unfortunately, generating a PAF file is (well) beyond the scope of this tutorial. To load the peach-grape PAF, select "DotplotView" from the "Select a view to launch" menu.

Picking the dotplot from the list of available view types

In the resulting dialog box, select Peach and then Grape for the assemblies to view. IMPORTANT: order here matters! Because the PAF file has the peach coordinates first, you have to use it first in this dialog box. After selecting the two assemblies, copy and paste this URL for the PAF file in to the optional PAF URL textfield:

Adding assemblies to display in the dot plot--order matters!

After clicking "Open", you get a dotplot that looks like this:

Display of the full dotplot

And of course, this isn't just an image, it is a genome-browsable interface, that you can click and drag to zoom into an region you like, even across multiple chromosomes.

Creating the synteny view

When we click and drag to make a rectangle, we get a popup menu asking whether we want to zoom in or open a synteny view. We can use this functionality to zoom in on a region we are interested in and then when we're happy with the region, we can click on the Open linear syntenic view option.

Zooming into a section of the dotplot

and the resulting syntenic view:

Display of both the dotplot and the synteny view

Adding gene annotations

This is nice--it shows lines or trapezoids of synteny, but is perhaps not as informative as it could be. The individual genome frames in the synteny view support adding other tracks (though if you add a lot, you better have a tall monitor), so we can add gene annotations. As it happens, we have gene annotation track data from a JBrowse 1 instance for both peach and grape (which was originally used for the GBrowse_syn tutorial), so we can add those. Note that this procedure will work for just about any sort of data file that we might might want to map on to a genome (BAM, CRAM, BigWig, BigBed, indexed VCF, index GFF); JBrowse 2 generally does a pretty good job of guessing what sort of data file you want to add based on its extension.

First, click one of the genome's "Open track selector" buttons; this will cause a new frame to open on the right side of the window, titled "Available tracks." Under that text is a "hamburger menu" icon (three horizontal lines). Click on that to get the "Add track" option.

Adding a new track menu

We'll need the URLs for the JBrowse 1 data, generally referred to as NCList data, for Nested Containment List, the commonly used data format for JBrowse 1 annotation tracks. These are:


Note that these are only "sort of" URLs, since if you click on either of these links, you'll get a 404 - not found message. JBrowse does some magic with the {refseq} part of the URL to substitute in the name of the chromosome.

For which ever genome you are adding annotations, copy and paste the corresponding URL above into the "Main file" textfield. In this instance there is not an index field but other formats require them (like BAM, CRAM, and VCF). Then click the "Next" button.

First step: url for the data

JBowse 2 will correctly guess that you are adding NCList data, so it will already have selected that option in the "Confirm track type" dialog, but one thing we will want to change here is the name of the track. JBrowse typically uses the name of the file to name the track, but having two tracks named "trackData.json" won't be real informative, so change the trackName entry to something useful like "Peach Genes" (unless of course, you're adding a Grape gene track). Also, double check that the "assemblyName" entry is what you expect. Now click the "Add" button, and repeat this whole procedure to add a gene track for the other species.

Next step: change the name of the track so we can find it later

Depending on the zoom level of the synteny view, you will probably get a message about the gene tracks not getting loaded unless you zoom in or FORCE the loading of the tracks, which may make the application slow.

Synteny view zoomed out--genes won't show

You can zoom in and out either using the magnifying glass icons in the upper right of each genome's frames or by clicking and dragging in the genome's "number line," or coordinate, region.

Zooming it let's you see genes and the syntenic relationships

Navigating the synteny view

Generally, you can navigate in the synteny view the way you would expect: by clicking and dragging anywhere in a genome's area other than the coordinate region (because clicking and dragging there will trigger the context menu that lets you zoom in). By default, this will cause only the genome that you're interacting with to move. This default can be changed by clicking on the "Toggle linked scrolls" icon in the upper left hand corner of the window (the oval with a line through it). Note that the other two icons next to the linked scroll icon don't actually do anything yet--we are planning implementation for those soon.

Getting data from other JBrowse instances

One under appreciated aspects of JBrowse is that it is quite open; if you can see a JBrowse page, you can pretty much always get at the underlying data. As an example of how this might work and be useful to you, we look at adding some SNP data for peach from the Genome Database for Rosaceae (GDR). The peach genome JBrowse that we want to look at is the one for the Prunus persica Genome v2.0.a1 assembly. This JBrowse 1 instance has several tracks, but we'll look at the 3K SeqSNP track. After opening that track, clicking on the down arrow in the label opens a menu and we want to look at "Edit config." This will open this dialog box, which you'll scroll until you find the urlTemplate entry:

JBrowse 1 edit config dialog

The two pieces of useful information here are urlTemplate and baseUrl. We can combine those to make a full URL that we can use in our JBrowse Desktop application. In this case, just concatenating them will result in a URL that is very similar to the two for gene tracks that we used above:{refseq}/trackData.jsonz

Straight concatenation doesn't always work, but most of the time it does. If you are trying something like this, one thing you can do is test with a "real" chromosome name substituted in for the {refseq} part, like

If clicking on that link gives you a 404, you did something wrong; if the browser asks to start a download, you did it right.

Now that we have an NCList url, we can do the same thing as before for adding the gene tracks. To make sure you have the correct "available tracks" window, click on the down arrow in the upper right hand corner of the peach genome frame, it looks like this:

Down arrow to open the menu for the peach linear genome view

After opening the menu, select "Open track selector." and then proceed to add a new track just as before (click on the hamburger menu, then select "add new track" and go through the dialogs to add a new track using the first rosaceae URL above. Don't forget to change the track name to something useful! The result is a track that now has SNPs from GDR:

JBrowse 2 with SNPs from GDR added

Possible point of failure: if you did everything right, you may still not have SNPs in your track. Check the track settings by clicking on the ... next to the track name and look at the URL for the NCListAdapter. Specifically, look for the curly braces { } in the url. If they were replaced with "% something something" they won't work, but putting the braces back will fix it.

Changing the way tracks look

JBrowse 2 gives users many ways to change the way tracks and the user interface look; here we'll look at a few examples.

Simple View Changes

Flipping the View

When doing work with synteny, it is frequently useful to be able to flip the direction that one of the genomes is displayed in, so that it can align with a syntenic region in the opposite strand of the compared genome. To see how this works, zoom into a single gene in one genome that has synteny in the other genome, and then zoom in to the related gene in the other genome (ie, so that there is only a single gene in each genome view). It will either look like this:

single gene synteny with a trapezoid connector

or like this:

single gene synteny with a two triangles connector

You can switch between the "two triangles view" and the "trapezoid view" easily (terms that I literally just coined while writing this section). In the upper right corner of the synteny frame, there is a hamburger menu. When you click on that, you get options for the view 1 and view 2 menus (for each genome). Pick one and let the larger "per view" menu load. There are lots of options here, but the one we are interested in is "Horizontally flip." Selecting that will flip one genome and the shape of the synteny connector along with it.

Changing track label locations

By default, the location of track labels in JBrowse is for them to overlap the contents of the track. This is because JBrowse views can get quite tall and this placement conserves height. The issue that users frequently have with this placement though is that it can obscure the features and labels that are placed under the translucent label, requiring them to pan to the left just to see the boundary of a feature or its label. JBrowse 2 gives two options for changing this default and both are accessed view the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the synteny frame. Again, there are menus for each genome view; selecting one of those expands with multiple view options, one of which is "Track labels", which has three items as options:

The track view menu with options for overlaps, offset and hidden

Selecting "Offset" puts the labels in their own vertical space making the display taller (much taller if you have multiple tracks open). Here is an example where the upper genome has offset labels and the lower genome has overlapping labels (note the obscured feature label):

Example of overlapping versus offset track labels

and here is the same view with the track labels hidden. While hiding track labels may seem like an option you might not want, if you only have gene tracks in you synteny view, it would be "obvious" what the features are, so no labels would be needed.

Example of hidden track labels

Making an SVG of a genome

Several view types in JBrowse 2 support exporting of SVG images that are nice for using in publications. Unfortunately, at the moment, the synteny portion of the synteny view we've created does not support SVG output, but the linear genome view portions do support SVG output. To see an example of that, again open the hamburger menu in the upper left of the display and pick one of the two genome views. The second item in the view menu is "Export SVG". Selecting that will give you a dialog asking if you want to rasterize the canvas based tracks (which these are). I generally keep the default to rasterize, but you'll have to determine what is right for you given the intended purpose of the file. Here is an example SVG (not that it's real interesting):

Example SVG of a linear genome view

Changing colors

Finally in this section, we will change some aspects of how features are displayed in the track. You may have noticed that the default color for every feature is lovely goldenrod, a sort of dark yellow. It is NOT my favorite color. Fortunately, JBrowse makes it very easy for us to change the color of features. In this example, we change the color of the peach genes. There are really three colors we can change: the color of the CDS region (color1), the color of the intron connector (the thin black line, color2) and the color of the UTR region (color3). Since these are peach genes, we could try #ffe5b4 for the CDS color, which I would say is approximately a peach color. To edit the way the features in the track look, we need to have the "Available tracks" frame open. If it isn't already, in the upper right corner of the peach genome view, click on the "v" to open the context menu and select "Open track selector." Next to the peach genes track option, click on the "..." to open its context menu and select "Settings." There are quite a few options that can be adjusted in this control panel, but the one we are looking for is "color1" in the display1, renderer section:

Part of the track settings for the peach genes track for colors

Where it says "goldenrod" under color1, paste in "#ffe5b4" and the change will take effect immediately. While it was a cute idea to use a peach color for the CDS region, I think it is too light, so lets pick another color. The color box next to the color name (which right now is a peach color) is actually a button to bring up a color picker. Pick a color you like, and again, when you pick a color, the change happens immediately. You can do the same for the color2 and color3.

Using JavaScript/JEXL to code changes

This is a slightly more advanced topic. In addition to changing track settings by changing the names of colors, we can also change aspects of the how the track looks and behaves by adding snippets of JavaScript or a JavaScript-related language called JEXL referred to as callbacks. We'll look at two examples here to give a flavor of the sorts of things you can do.

Changing the color of a glyph according to strand

Since we were looking at glyph color in the previous section, we'll stay there and make the glyphs color change according to the strand that the gene is on. First note that on the right hand side of most of the fields in the track settings dialog is a circle in the purple box. When you mouse over that circle, the mouse hover text says "Convert to callback." First check that circle for the "color1" field. When you do that, you may notice that the gene glyphs in the track turned black--that's because JBrowse expects there to be a snippet of code there, and there isn't, so you get the "I don't know what to do" color, which is black.

Next we'll add the code here to the color1 field:

 get(feature, 'strand')>0?'blue':'red'

What it is doing is quite simple: it says get the feature's strand and if it's positive, make the feature blue, otherwise make it red. Once again, you should see an immediate change in the way the track looks:

700px|Gene glyphs colored red or blue depending on strand

Changing the hover text

Another example that is pretty easy is modifying the text that appears in the mouse over hover. The default in JBrowse is generally the name of the feature, and it is already a callback (i.e., we don't need to check the circle to make it one). That callback looks like this:


Now we want to look for something useful to add. Frequently in GFF files, there is extra information in the ninth column that users might want to see. The the peach and grape GFF files, there wasn't much extra information, but we'll make do. The peach gene annotations have an attribute called "longest." For a given gene, the transcript that is the longest has this attribute set to 1, the rest are zero. What we will do is add "longest transcript" to the mouse over when that's true (and of course, when there is only one transcript for a gene, what will happen to the mouse over?). To do this, we can modify the original callback to look like this:

 get(feature,'name')+(get(feature,'longest')>0?' longest transcript':)

This is very similar to the strand callback: it's saying get the feature name and concatenate it (with the "+" operator) with different text depending on the result of the question of whether the "longest" value is greater than zero.