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Google Season of Docs 2020 @ Open Genome Informatics

“Fostering open-source collaboration with technical writers” – Season of Docs

Established upon the reputation of open source community programs like Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in, Google is introducing a new initiative called Season of Docs. The Open Genome Informatics has applied to participate in this year's Season of Docs.

Season of Docs aims to provide open source projects with an opportunity to engage with the technical writing community and for technical writers an occasion to gain experience in contributing to open source projects.

Together, we will raise community awareness of open documentation, technical writing, and how we can collectively work together to improve open source projects. Open Genome Informatics looks forward to the opportunity that Season of Docs presents and for the opportunity to bring our entire community closer together.

Since 2011, the Open Genome Informatics group has served as an "umbrella organization" to a variety of bioinformatics projects, including GMOD and its software projects -- JBrowse, Apollo, Chado, Galaxy etc.; Mouse Genome Informatics; OICR; Reactome; WormBase; and Bioconda.

More information about this year's participating bioinformatics groups can be found here.

To learn more about this year's event and how GSoD works, please refer to the FAQ.

Mailing lists, IRC, and other ways to get in touch

Project Ideas

Project Name: Reactome

Project Description: Reactome is a free, open-source, curated and peer-reviewed pathway database. Our goal is to provide intuitive bioinformatics tools for the visualization, interpretation, and analysis of pathway knowledge to support basic research, genome analysis, modelling, systems biology, and education.

Project Website:

Project Idea #1 Name: Revising the Reactome User Guide

Description: The Reactome User Guide provides an introduction to Reactome, the user interfaces and the database content. Exercises are also provided to help user practice what they have learned. New functionality and improvements to the core website and software are constantly added to the User Guide. The outcome of this project is the revision of the existing User Guide, with updated and new tutorials,a set of how-to guides to support navigating the website and using the pathway visualization and analysis tools

Docs Link:

Contacts: Robin Haw: & Marc Gillepsie:

Project Idea #2 Name: Updating the Reactome Curator Guide

Description: The Reactome Curator Guide contains an overview of the curatorial process as well as a step by step guide for annotating Reactome pathways. The curator guide takes new curators through the process of project design, entry, review, and release. Each one of these steps requires that the curator is familiar with the Reactome data model, software entry tools, process pipeline, and project management. In this sense, the curator guide serves as a compendium of learned lessons, curator philosophy, and a step-by-step process blueprint. The outcome of this project is the complete revision of the current guide to reflect new data entry tools, update the current glossary of terms to accommodate changes to data model, and create short tutorials that can be used to reinforce each learning step.

Contacts: Marc Gillepsie and Robin Haw: