**Thank you for participating in the 2013 Generic Model Organism
Database (GMOD) community survey!**
The GMOD project provides free, open-source bioinformatics software and
support to a huge, diverse community of users around the globe. This
survey aims to find out how you are using GMOD, what you find useful (or
otherwise), what support you need, and some information on the GMOD
components you use. The responses gathered in this survey will help us
to serve our user community more effectively and to suggest future
directions for the GMOD project.
Participants who enter an email address will be entered into a prize
draw; the winner can choose between a [Journey Through Your DNA genetic
testing kit from 23andMe](https://www.23andme.com/store/cart/) or a \$50
Amazon gift voucher.
The survey will be open until March 8th, 2013. The survey results will
be discussed at the
2013 GMOD
Community Meeting in Cambridge, UK , and documented on the GMOD
This survey should take between ten and fifteen minutes to complete. All
responses are anonymous and completely confidential, and responses will
not be identified by individual. All questions are optional, but the
more information you give, the better we are able to serve our
### Navigating the survey
The survey is split into two sections; the first has more general
questions, and the second has questions on specific GMOD components.
We recommend that you enable JavaScript in your browser to enable paging
through the survey. Use the page numbers or the "Prev" and "Next" links
to navigate between pages, and click the "Submit" button on the last
page of each section to submit your responses.
After completing the two survey sections, you have the option to submit
your name and email address for entry into a draw to win a genome test
from 23andMe. Your email address will not be connected to your survey
responses or used for any other purpose.
### Contact
If you have any questions or technical issues with the survey, please
contact Amelia Ireland at .
**Thank you for your help!**
Amelia Ireland, GMOD Community Support
## About You
What is your relationship to GMOD? Check all that apply
Developer of GMOD component(s)
Sys admin (installing/configuring/maintaining, etc., GMOD tools)
What organization or research group are you affiliated with? Please
include a website URL if available; we are happy to link to your site
from the GMOD website.
What types of entity is your database or website concerned with? e.g.
*Mus musculus* ; plant parasites; marine invertebrates; protein
phosphatases; economically-important legumes; regulatory regions in the
genome; etc.
Do you have a helpdesk or general email address that we can use as a
contact for your organization?
## Your GMOD Usage
How do you use GMOD?
- Currently use (or provide for users) one or more GMOD components
- Planning to use (or provide) GMOD components
- Assessing GMOD and other software to see what fits our use cases best
What type(s) of biological data do you use or plan to use GMOD tools to
manage, visualize, or annotate? Select all that apply
Assembled sequence
Next generation sequences
Other expression data
Comparative genomics
Population genomics
Annotation pipelines
Manual genome annotation
Community annotation
Literature curation
Workflow / Integration
Community directory
Mapping (physical, QTL, genetic, etc.)
Lines or stocks
What do you find most valuable about the GMOD project and/or its
What aspects of the GMOD project are you least satisfied with? How could
we make GMOD and its components more useful or easier to use?
Are there any tools or functionality that you think are missing from
What would you like to see GMOD work on in 2013 and 2014?
What other bioinformatics tools do you use in your day-to-day work?
## GMOD Help Desk
Please rank the performance of the GMOD Help Desk in the following
areas. Leave blank if you have no opinion or have not used the Help Desk
| | | 1 (poor) | 2 | 3 (average) | 4 | 5 (outstanding) | |
| Answering user questions: providing helpful and timely answers to help queries | | | | | | | |
| GMOD website: maintaining the GMOD website and making it useful and relevant for the GMOD community | | | | | | | |
| Education: providing online and in person training on GMOD and components | | | | | | | |
| Outreach and community building: spreading the words about GMOD; encouraging an active community of GMOD developers and users | | | | | | | |
| Developer support: enhancing documentation, integration and beta testing services; bridging the developer-user gap | | | | | | | |
Which of these help desk activities is most important to you? Leave
blank if you have no opinion
| | | 1 (least important) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (most important) | |
| Answering user questions | | | | | | | |
| GMOD website | | | | | | | |
| Education | | | | | | | |
| Outreach and community building | | | | | | | |
| Developer support | | | | | | | |
Are there other areas that the GMOD Help Desk should spend time on or
allocate resources to?
## Training
See the Training and
Outreach section on the GMOD wiki for GMOD tutorials and training
Have you used the tutorials and training materials on the GMOD website?
- No, I have not needed them
- No, I could not find them
- Yes, but they were inadequate
- Yes, and they were adequate
- Yes, and they were fantastic
If you found the tutorials and training materials inadequate, how could
we improve them? Please leave blank if you have not used the training
and tutorials
What training courses would be most useful for you and your colleages?
E.g. installation/configuration of X; how to use Y; developing plugins
for Z; etc.
Would you be interested in attending a live online tutorial? e.g. using
Skype or web conferencing software
- Yes
- No
- Yes, depending on timing / software requirements
Would you be interested in attending a training course in your
geographic region? Note that GMOD would need to charge attendees a fee
to cover the instructors' travel and accommodation costs.
- Yes
- No
- Yes, depending on distance / cost / timing
If yes, where are you located (city / country), and can you suggest any
organizations that may be willing to host the course?
## GMOD Community Meetings
Do you intend to attend the 2013 GMOD meeting in Cambridge on April 5-6,
to be held in conjunction with Biocurator?
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
If future meetings offered an audio or video feed, or the option to
attend remotely, would you be interested in participating?
- Yes, I'd like to attend remotely (i.e. be able to ask questions and
- Yes, I'd listen to audio / watch video but not participate
- No, I am happy to read the meeting minutes
Have you attended GMOD meetings in the past?
- Yes, multiple meetings
- Yes, one meeting
- No
If you have attended GMOD meetings, please rate the following aspects:
| | | 1 (very poor) | 2 | 3 (average) | 4 | 5 (very good) | |
| How well organized was the meeting? | | | | | | | |
| How useful was the meeting? | | | | | | | |
What aspects of the GMOD meetings are most useful?
What aspects of the meetings could be improved?
If you have not attended a GMOD meeting, what are your reasons?
Click submit to continue to the second part of the survey.