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(Step 3 - Edit config/database.yml)
Line 43: Line 43:
     encoding: utf8
     encoding: utf8
     host: localhost
     host: localhost
     username: root # <--- change this
     username: root # <- might need to change this
     password: # <--- change this
     password: # <- might need change this
  # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
  # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
  # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
  # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".

Revision as of 07:45, 16 November 2010


Chado on Rails is a way to easily create bioinformatics applications that use the Chado database schema. Chado on Rails is under active development, and is used in the Bovine Genome Database, BeeBase and NasoniaBase. Chado on Rails is free as in beer/speech.


The latest stable release can be downloaded here:

 svn checkout http://chadoonrails.rubyforge.org/svn/tags/release0.1

The development trunk can be downloaded here:

 svn checkout http://chadoonrails.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk


- easy MVC development for bioinformatics web applications
- sophisticated caching for improved performance of applications that use Chado db
- out of the box support for standard Chado and Flybase
- got a non-standard Chado schema? CoR can [automatically create Rails objects and unit tests for your schema using magic chado, a component of CoR].
- thousands of free Ruby and RoR gems
- great support from Ruby and RoR community


For the impatient

gem install rails # if you get an error, go to the following page and install rails and rubygems http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/getting-started/installation
svn checkout http://chadoonrails.rubyforge.org/svn/tags/release0.1 cor
cd cor

Step 1 - Install Ruby on Rails (and ruby, and rubygems if necessary)

To install Rails, follow the instructions for your operating system [here http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/getting-started/installation]. Rails 2.3 is recommended. CoR is currently being developed using Ruby 1.8.7, Rubygems 1.3.7 and Rails 2.3.10, but differences in minor version should not matter.

Step 2 - Install Chado on Rails

svn checkout http://chadoonrails.rubyforge.org/svn/tags/release0.1 cor

Step 3 - Edit config/database.yml

Specify which database Chado on Rails should use in config/database.yml. By default CoR will use the development environment, which means it will connect to a postgreSQL database named cor_development using the root user with no password. Database.yml should look something like this:

   adapter: postgresql
   database: cor_development  # <- might need to change this
   template: template0
   encoding: utf8
   host: localhost
   username: root # <- might need to change this
   password: # <- might need change this
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
# test:
test: &TEST
  adapter: postgresql
  template: template0
  encoding: utf8
  database: cor_test
  host: localhost
  username: root
  adapter: postgresql
  database: cor_production
  host: localhost
  username: root
  <<: *TEST

Step 4a - Create a new Chado database

To create a standard Chado 1.13 database
cd cor # or where ever CoR lives
cp db/schema_chado_1.133.rb db/schema.rb
rake db:create RAILS_ENV=development
To create a 2010 Flybase Chado database
cd cor # or where ever CoR lives
cp db/schema_flybase2010.rb db/schema.rb
rake db:create RAILS_ENV=development

If you get database permission errors, check that the host, username and password in config/database.yml are actually the ones you'd like to use.

Step 4b - Connect to an existing standard Chado database

You don't need to do anything special in this case. CoR will talk to your standard Chado database without any more effort on your part.

Step 4c - Create custom CoR for your non-standard Chado database (experimental)

CoR can generate a custom set of Rails models for your non-standard Chado database.

cd cor # or where ever CoR lives
./script/generate magic_chado
[lots of chatter]
overwrite app/models/analysisfeature.rb? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] a # <--- ANSWER 'A'

Some (gory) details: CoR generates a custom ORM for your non-standard Chado database using the magic chado gem, which was inspired by and borrows much from the magic model gem by Dr. Nic and ships as part of CoR. Basically the magic chado algorithm works like this: 1) Create models: magic chado creates a Rails model for each table it finds. For example, if it finds a table called feature it will create a model named Feature. 2) Create associations: magic chado then creates associations between tables by: a) looking for foreign key constraints that associate two tables in the database, if your database supports this and actually has these foreign key constraints. For example, if it finds a foreign key constraint in table feature associating column type_id with the table cvterm, it will make a feature -> cvterm association. Specifically, it will make a feature -belongs_to-> cvterm association and a cvterm -has_many->feature association. b) looking for associations "symbolically". For example, if it finds a cv_id column in the table cvterm, it will make a cv -> cvterm association. Specifically, it will make a cvterm -belongs_to-> cv association, and a cv -has_many-> cvterms association.


creating new databases

   - creating a new instance of a standard Chado
   lorem ipsum
   - creating a new instance of Flybase Chado schema
   lorem ipsum

creating a web application for an existing Chado database

creating a web application for a custom Chado database

   lorem ipsum

making gene pages for a Chado database

   lorem ipsum

using the command line

   - adding a new feature
   lorem ipsum
   - getting all the genes for a given cvterm
   lorem ipsum
   - getting all the child features for a feature which are related by a given cvterm
   lorem ipsum

Notes from the GMOD evo hackathon 2010