Chado Contact Module

Revision as of 04:34, 18 February 2015 by Hlapp (Talk | contribs)

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The contact module is used to store information about people, groups, and organizations.


Table: contact

Model persons, institutes, groups, organizations, etc.

contact Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
contact_id serial PRIMARY KEY


type_id integer

What type of contact is this? E.g. "person", "lab".
name character varying(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL
description character varying(255)

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Table: contact_relationship

Model relationships between contacts

contact_relationship Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
contact_relationship_id serial PRIMARY KEY


type_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Relationship type between subject and object. This is a cvterm, typically from the OBO relationship ontology, although other relationship types are allowed.


subject_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

The subject of the subj-predicate-obj sentence. In a DAG, this corresponds to the child node.


object_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

The object of the subj-predicate-obj sentence. In a DAG, this corresponds to the parent node.